Hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions developed under Corps' research program

by R. Daniel Smith, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station

Scientists at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station are developing a procedure for assessing the functions of wetlands under the Wetlands Research Program. The procedure is intended primarily for U.S. Army Corps of Engineer use and measures the ability of wetlands to perform specific functions. The procedure supports the Corps' Regulatory Program mandated by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and can be used

The modular and hierarchical format of the procedure will make it easily adaptable to a variety of planning, management, educational, and other regulatory situations that involve the assessment of wetland function.

Wetland functions introduced

Wetland functions are the actions that are naturally performed by wetland ecosystems, or simply, the things that wetlands do. Wetland functions are a result of the interaction between the structural components of wetlands--such as soil, detritus, plants, and animals--and the physical, chemical, and biological processes that occur in wetlands. A process is a sequence of steps leading to a specific end. For example, the microbially mediated process of denitrification occurs in many wetlands, and leads to the relatively simple wetland function of nitrogen removal (Fig. 1 (25K)). More complex functions resulting from the interaction of structural components and multiple processes can also be identified. For example, the physical processes of overbank flooding, reduction of water velocity, and the settling of suspended particulates interact with physical structures and result in the wetland function of particulate retention.

Hydrogeomorphic classification introduced

Wetland ecosystems in the United States occur under a wide range of climatic, geologic, geomorphic, and hydrologic conditions. This diversity of conditions makes the task of assessing wetland functions difficult, because not all wetlands perform functions in the same manner, or to the same degree, if at all. Therefore, to simplify the assessment process, it is useful to classify wetlands into groups that function similarly. Classification narrows the focus of attention (1) to the functions a particular type of wetland is most likely to perform, and (2) the characteristics of the ecosystem and landscape that control these functions. The benefits of classification are a faster and more accurate assessment procedure.

The assessment procedure being developed uses a hydrogeomorphic classification to group wetlands on the basis of three fundamental characteristics: geomorphic setting, water source, and hydrodynamics. At the highest level of the classification, wetlands fall into one of five basic hydrogeomorphic classes including: depression, slope-flat, riverine, fringe, and extensive peatland.

The classification can applied at a regional level to narrow the focus even further. The regions identified by Omernik (1987), Bailey (1994), or Bailey et al. (1994) and based on climatic, geologic, physiographic, and other criteria provide a convenient starting point for applying the classification Within a region, any number of regional hydrogeomorphic wetland subclasses can be identified based on landscape scale factors such as geomorphic setting, water source, soil type, and vegetation. The number of regional subclasses identified depends on the diversity of condition in a region, and assessment objectives. Experience shows that regional subclasses provide a scale at which assessment efficiency and accuracy can be maximized in the context of the Corps' 404 Regulatory Program.

Assessment procedure introduced

The assessment procedure is unique in that it utilizes the concepts of hydrogeomorphic classification, functional capacity, reference domain, and reference wetlands. These will be discussed in the context of the three phases of the procedure which include: characterization, assessment, and application.

The characterization phase includes the following steps:

The assessment phase of the procedure provides a measure the ability of a wetland to perform functions. Wetland functions are measured in terms of functional capacity. The concept of functional capacity is based on two assumptions. First, the inherent capacity of a wetland to perform a function is dictated by the structural components, and the physical, chemical, and biological processes of the wetland. Second, the functional capacity of a wetland (the level at which a function is actually performed), is determined, to a greater or lesser degree depending on the function under consideration, by interactions between the wetland and the surrounding environment.

An analogy to explain functional capacity

An analogy is useful to explain the concept of functional capacity. Consider a water pump and its function of moving water. Assume the water pump is designed to move 100 gpm, and its inherent capacity is 100 gpm. However, the functional capacity of the water pump--or the rate at which it actually moves water--depends not only on its inherent capacity to move water, but also the context in which the water pump occurs. If the water pump is attached to a hose that delivers 100 gpm, the functional capacity of the water pump is 100 gpm, the same as its inherent capacity. However, if the water pump is attached to a hose that is capable of delivering only 50 gpm, the functional capacity of the water pump is 50 gpm, though its inherent capacity is still 100 gpm. Like most analogies, this one is oversimplified and imperfect. While the inherent capacity of a water pump is static, the inherent capacity of an ecosystems is dynamic, and can change over time. For example, the inherent capacity of a wetland to provide habitat may change as plant succession takes place.

The concepts of inherent and functional capacity can be applied to wetland ecosystems and the functions they perform. For example, consider the floodwater storage function performed by some wetlands (Fig 2. (127K)). The inherent capacity of a riverine wetland to store overbank floodwater depends on characteristics of the wetland's storage capacity by volume to store floodwater (how big is the bucket?). However, the functional capacity, or actual amount of floodwater stored in the wetland depends on the ability of the watershed to generate overbank floods. This ability is dictated by watershed characteristics such as the size of the watershed, the intensity and duration of precipitation in the region, runoff coefficients of the watershed, and the location of control points in the stream above and below the wetland. A wetland with a potential inherent capacity to store 100,000 gallons, based on peak flood elevation during the average annual peak flood, could have an actual functional capacity ranging from 100,000 to 0 gallons depending on the conditions in the watershed of that wetland.

Functional capacity index introduced

The functional capacity of a wetland is determined using a functional capacity index (FCI) An FCI is a ratio of the functional capacity of a wetland under an existing, or predicted, condition, and the functional capacity of a wetland under attainable conditions. Attainable conditions are by definition the conditions under which the highest, sustainable level of functional capacity is attained across the suite of functions that wetlands in a reference domain naturally perform. The reference domain is simply the group of wetlands for which a functional capacity index is developed. The reference domain will normally be a regional hydrogeomorphic subclass. However, depending on assessment objectives, it could be composed of a larger or smaller number of subclasses and geographic extent. For example, if the assessment objective is to compare a subclass of wetlands in the watershed, the reference domain would include all wetlands in the subclass in the watershed.

Attainable condition, or the highest, sustainable level of functional capacity is presumed to occur in wetland ecosystems and landscapes that have not been subject to anthropogenic disturbance with long term effects. When undisturbed wetlands and landscapes do not exist or cannot be reconstructed from historical data, attainable condition is presumed to exist in the wetland ecosystems and environments that have been subject to the least amount of anthropogenic disturbance.

Functional capacity indices are based on an assessment model that defines the relationship between the ecosystem and landscape scale variables and functional capacity. The condition of a variable is measured directly, or indirectly using indicators (observable characteristics that correspond to specific variable conditions). Variables are assigned an index, ranging from 0.0 - 1.0, based on the relationship between variable condition and functional capacity in the reference domain. This relationship is established using reference wetlands. A reference wetland set is a group of wetlands that represent the range of conditions that exist in wetland ecosystems and their landscapes in the reference domain. The range of conditions represented include those resulting from natural processes (succession, channel migration, erosion and sedimentation) and anthropogenic disturbance.

Reference wetlands and their environments serve as the basis for scaling and calibrating variables in assessment models. The relationship between variable condition and functional capacity in the reference domain is established using either empirical data, expert opinion, best professional judgment, or combination of these options. The relationship is formalized by using logical rules or equations to derive an FCI ranging from 0.0 - 1.0. An FCI of 1.0 corresponds to the level of functional capacity that exists under attainable conditions for the reference domain. An FCI of 0.0 reflects the absence of functional capacity.

Functional capacity units introduced

The functional capacity index provides a measure of the ability of a wetland to perform a function relative to similar wetlands in the region. Theoretically, the functional capacity index represents an estimate of an absolute quantification of function on a per unit area and time basis. For example, a FCI of 1.0 for the flood storage function represents the absolute number of cubic feet of water that are stored, in a specified wetland area over a specified period of time, under attainable conditions in the reference domain. The actual number cubic feet of water, with estimates of uncertainty, could be determined empirically for the same specified area of wetland and the same specified period of time.

In the 404 Regulatory Program, the primary application a FCI is to compare different wetland areas such as project alternatives, or pre/post condition. However, comparing two wetland areas on the basis of a functional capacity index alone can lead to erroneous conclusions. For example, consider the following scenario. A new highway is being planned, and there are two alternative routes under consideration. The first route will impact 5 acres of wetland with a FCI of 0.8 for a particular wetland function. The second route will impact 25 acres of wetland, also with a FCI of 0.8 for the same function. In comparing the two alternatives based on functional capacity it would be correct to say that on a per unit area basis there was no difference between the alternatives. However, when incorporating the size of each wetland area into the comparison a conclusion of no difference would be erroneous. The comparison of the two alternatives based on the functional capacity index and size of wetland would lead to a more appropriate conclusion that the first alternative is the least damaging to the selected wetland function.

The functional capacity indices resulting from the assessment phase can be applied in a variety of ways during the application phase using functional capacity units (FCUs). Functional capacity units provide a measure of the ability of a wetland area to perform a function, and are calculated by multiplying a functional capacity index by the area of wetland the FCI represents. For example:

FCU = FCI x size of wetland area
FCU = Functional capacity units for wetland area
FCI = Functional capacity index for wetland area
Once the functional capacity of a wetland area is expressed in terms of FCUs, a number of the comparison necessary in the 404 permit review process can be made. For example:

Implementation of the assessment procedure

The assessment procedure described in this article is being published as a WRP technical report. A variety of assessment models are being developed for use with the assessment procedure and will be published as WRP technical reports. These will be published in the form of guidebooks for each hydrogeomorphic class, and case studies of regional hydrogeomorphic subclasses. The guidebooks will: More information is available from Dan Smith at (601) 634-2718.


Bailey, R. G. 1994. Ecoregions of the United States (map), revised edition. US Forest Service, Washington, D. C. Scale 1:7,500,000, colored.

Bailey, R. G., P.E. Avers, T. King, and W. H. McNab (compilers/editors). 1994. Ecoregions and Subregions of the United States. US Forest Service

Omernik, J. 1987. Ecoregions of the Coterminous United States.Annals of the Association of American Geographers 77: 118-125.

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