GuidebooksNational Guidebooks: Riverine: Tidal Fringe: Regional Guidebooks: 2023 Pruitt, B.A., Rheinhardt, R.D. (2023). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Forested Riverine Wetlands in Alluvial Valleys of the Piedmont Region of the United States," ERDC/EL TR-23-8, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) 2017 Summers, E.A., Noble, C.V., Berkowitz, J.F., and Spiker, F.J. (2017). "Operational Draft Regional Guidebook for the Functional Assessment of High-Gradient Headwater Streams and Low-Gradient Perennial Streams in Appalachia," ERDC/EL TR-17-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS (FCI Calculator-High Gradient , FCI Calculator-Low Gradient) Berkowitz, J.F., Beane, N.R., Philley, K.D., and Ferguson, M. (2017). "Operational Draft Regional Guidebook for the Rapid Assessment of Wetlands in the North Slope Region of Alaska," ERDC/EL TR-17-14, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS (FCI Calculator) 2015 Noble, C. V., B. Cook, K. Clement, T. Smith, and S. Eggers. (2015). "Regional guidebook for the functional assessment of organic flats, slopes, and depressional wetlands in the Northcentral and Northeast region," ERDC/EL TR-15-12, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS FCI Calculator 2013 Wilder, T. C., Rheinhardt, R. D. and Noble, C. V. (2013). "A regional guidebook for applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to assessing wetland functions of forested wetlands in alluvial valleys of the coastal Plain of the southeastern United States," ERDC/EL TR-13-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) Noble, C. V., Roberts, T. H., Morgan, K. L., Hill, A. J., Neary, V. S., and Cripps, R. W. (2013). "Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing the Functions of Flat and Seasonally Inundated Depression Wetlands on the Highland Rim," ERDC/EL TR-13-12, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) Murray, E. O. and Klimas, C. V. (2013). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Functions of Forested Wetlands in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley," ERDC/EL TR-13-14, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) 2011 Noble, C. V., Murray, E. O., Klimas, C. V. and Ainslie, W. (2011). "Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing the Functions of Headwater Slope Wetlands on the South Carolina Coastal Plain ," ERDC/EL TR-11-11, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) Klimas, C. V., Murray, E. O., Pagan, J., Langston, H., and Foti, T. (2011). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Functions of Forested Wetlands in the Delta Region of Arkansas, Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley, Version 2.0 ," ERDC/EL TR-11-12, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) (Spatial Data) 2010 Williams, H. M., Miller, A. J., McNamee, R.S., and Klimas, C.V. (2010). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to the Functional Assessment of Forested Wetlands in Alluvial Valleys of East Texas," ERDC/EL TR-10-17, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) 2008 Klimas, C. V., Murray, E. O., Langston, H., Pagan, J., Witsell, T., and Foti, T. (2008). "A Regional Guidebook for Conducting Functional Assessments of Forested Wetlands in the Arkansas Valley Region of Arkansas," ERDC/EL TR-08-23, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) Klimas, C. V., Murray, E. O., Langston, H., Pagan, J., Witsell, T., and Foti, T. (2008). "A Regional Guidebook for Conducting Functional Assessments of Forested Wetlands and Riparian Areas in the Ozark Mountains Region of Arkansas ," ERDC/EL TR-08-31, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) 2007 Shafer, D.J., Roberts, T. H., Peterson, M. S., and Schmid, K. (2007). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing the Functions of Tidal Fringe Wetlands Along the Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coast," ERDC/EL TR-07-2, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. Noble, C. V., Wakeley, J. S., Roberts, T. H., and Henderson, C. (2007). "Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing the Functions of Headwater Slope Wetlands on the Mississippi and Alabama Coastal Plains," ERDC/EL TR-07-9, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. 2006 Lin, J.P. (2006). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Depressional Wetlands in the Upper Des Plaines River Basin," ERDC/EL TR-06-4, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. Gilbert, M.C., Whited, P.M., Clairain, E.J., and Smith, R.D. (2006). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Prairie Potholes," ERDC/EL TR-06-5, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) Klimas, C. V., Murray, E. O., Langston, H., Witsell, T., Foti, T., and Holbrook, R. (2006). "A Regional Guidebook for Conducting Functional Assessments of Wetland and Riparian Forests in the Ouachita Mountains and Crowley's Ridge Regions of Arkansas," ERDC/EL TR-06-14, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) 2005 Klimas, C.V., Murray, E.O., Pagan, J., Langston, H. and Foti, T. (2005). "Ecosystem Management and Restoration Research Program A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Forested Wetlands in the West Gulf Coastal Plain Region of Arkansas," ERDC/EL TR-05-12, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) 2004 Noble, C. V., Evans, R., McGuire, M., Trott, K., Davis, M., and Clairain, E. J., Jr. (2004). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Depressional Wetlands in Peninsular Florida," ERDC/EL TR-04-3, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg. Stutheit, R. G., Gilbert, M. C., Whited, P. M., and Lawrence, K. L. (2004). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Rainwater Basin Depressional Wetlands in Nebraska," ERDC/EL TR-04-4, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) 2003 Uranowski, C., Lin, Z., DelCharco, M., Huegel, C., Garcia, J., Bartsch, I., Flannery, M. S., Miller, S. J., Bacheler, J., Ainslie, W. (2003). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Low-Gradient, Blackwater Riverine Wetlands in Peninsular Florida," ERDC/EL TR-03-3, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. 2002 Smith, R. D. and Klimas, C. V. (2002). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Selected Regional Wetland Subclasses, Yazoo Basin, Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley," ERDC/EL TR-02-4, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. Shafer, D., Herczeg, B., Moulton, D., Sipocz, A., Jaynes, K., Rozas, L., Onuf, C., and Miller, W. (2002). "Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Northwest Gulf of Mexico Tidal Fringe Wetlands," ERDC/EL TR-02-5, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. Wilder, T.C. and Roberts, T. H. (2002). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Low-Gradient Riverine Wetlands in Western Tennessee," ERDC/EL TR-02-6, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. Hauer, F.R., B.J. Cook, M.C. Gilbert, E.J. Clairain, and R.D. Smith. (2002). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Intermontane Prairie Pothole Wetlands in the Northern Rocky Mountains," ERDC/EL TR-02-7, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. Rheinhardt, R. D., Rheinhardt, M. C., and Brinson, M. M. (2002). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Wet Pine Flats on Mineral Soils in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains," ERDC/EL TR-02-9, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) Noble, C. V., Evans, R., McGuire, M., Trott, K., Davis, M., and Clairain, E.J. (2002). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Flats Wetlands in the Everglades," ERDC/EL TR-02-19, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) Hauer, F.R., B.J. Cook, M.C. Gilbert, E.J. Clairain, and R.D. Smith. (2002). "A Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Riverine Floodplains in the Northern Rocky Mountains," ERDC/EL TR-02-21, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. (FCI Calculator) 1999 Ainslie, W.B., Smith, R.D., Pruitt, B.A., Roberts, T.H., Sparks, E.J., West, L., Godshalk, G.L., and Miller, M.V. (1999). "A Regional Guidebook for Assessing the Functions of Low Gradient, Riverine Wetlands in Western Kentucky," Technical Report WRP-DE-17, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS., NTIS No. (FCI Calculator) Web Date: October 1997 |