Calculator Western Kentucky Low-Gradient Riverine Guidebook

Program Name: WKYCALC has been developed for use with Quattro Pro v.6 and Excel v.4 by the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Environmental Laboratory


This spreadsheet file is designed for field personnel who wish to calculate FCIs from the raw field data they have collected during applications of the Regional Guidebook for assessing the functions of low-gradient riverine wetlands in Western Kentucky.


Upon entering the field data directly into the appropriate spreadsheet cells, FCI Calculator scales the data into corresponding sub-indices and calculates the FCI values for the user.


Enter raw field data directly from data sheets into the corresponding unprotected spreadsheet cells (Column B) for continuous variables. For categorical field data, enter the appropriate subindex directly into the unprotected subindex cell (Column C). Unprotected cells are colored gray. Protected cells contain equations or labels that should not be altered. After entering field data in the appropriate cells in Column B, users should enter either a one (1) or zero (0) in the corresponding cell in Column D. Entering a one suggests that conditions at this site, for this variable, are restorable. A zero in Column D indicates the variable is unrestorable.

Note: If the data entered in Column B are invalid, an "invalid entry" message is shown in the corresponding subindex cell (Column C). In this case, a valid entry must be entered to receive the correct FCI values.


FCI values (0-1) appear in Cells A6:A13 subsequent to entry of all variable data below.

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Web Date: October 1997
Updated: April 2008