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 Wetlands Research Technology Center Title

Technical Notes

Berkowitz, J. F. (2009). "Using IRIS Tubes to Monitor Reduced Conditions in Soils - Project Design," ERDC TN-WRAP-09-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Humphrey, M.N., Lin, J.P., Kleiss, B.A. and Evans, D.E. (2004). "Monitoring Wetland Functional Recovery of Bottomland Hardwood Sites in the Yazoo Basin, MS.," ERDC/TN EL-04-01, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.


Lin, J.P. and Kleiss, B.A. (2006). "Salinity Measurements and General Condition of Violet Marsh, Post Hurricane Katrina," ERDC/EL TN-06-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Ray, G. L. (2006). "A Pilot Study of Post-Hurricane Katrina Floodwater Pumping on Marsh Infauna," ERDC/EL TN-06-2, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Suedel, B. C., Steevens, J. A. and Splichal, D. E. (2006). "A Pilot Study of the Effects of Post- Hurricane Katrina Floodwater Pumping on the Chemistry and Toxicity of Violet Marsh Sediments," ERDC/EL TN-06-3, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Ray, G. (2006). "Characterization of Post-Hurricane Katrina Floodwater Pumping on Marsh Infauna," ERDC/EL TN-06-4, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Bowley, T., Larson, S. and Bednar, A. (2006). "Water and Sediment Data for Chemical Indicators of Contamination," ERDC/EL TN-06-5, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Section FW: Fish/Wildlife

O'Neil, L. J., Smith, R. D., and Theriot, R. F. (1992). "Wildlife Habitat Function of Bottomland Hardwood Wetlands, Cache River, Arkansas," FW-EV-2.1

Killgore, J. and Hoover, J. J. (1992). "A Guild for Monitoring and Evaluating Fish Communities in Bottomland Hardwood Wetlands," FW-EV-2.2

Killgore, J. (1994). "Design and Application of a LarvaI Fish Trap," FW-EV-3.1

Schroeder, R. L. (1998). "Habitat Suitability Index Model Availability for Wetland Cover Types," FW-RS-2.1

Harrington, B., and Streever, B. (1999). "Foraging Habitat for Bird Species or Bird Diversity in Wetland Design," FW-RS-3.1

Davis, M. M. (1994). "Weaver Bottoms Wildlife Habitat Restoration: A Case Study," FW-RS-7.1

Jensen, K. C. (1994). "Guidelines for Placement and Management of Wood Duck Nest Boxes in Wetland Habitats," FW-SW-4.1

Section HS: Hydraulics

Weins, K., and Roberts, T. (2003). "Effects of Headcutting on the Bottomland Hardwood Wetlands Adjacent to the Wolf River, Tennessee," HS-CP-2.1

Shafer, D., R. Roland, and S. Douglas. (2003). "Preliminary Evaluation of Critical Wave Energy Thresholds at Natural and Created Coastal Wetlands," HS-CP-2.2

Davis, J. (1994). "Userguide for the Wetland Water Budget Model Tutorial," HS-CP-5.1

Miller, J. L. (1993). "Hydraulic Structures for Wetlands," HS-EM-3.1

Davis, J. E. and Maynord, S. T. (1998). "Wetland Shoreline Protection and Erosion Control: Design Considerations," HS-RS-3.1

Davis, J. E. and Landin, M. C. (1998). "Geotextile Tube Structures for Wetlands Restoration and Protection," HS-RS-3.2

Davis, J. E. and Maynord, S. T. (1998). "Shoreline and Channel Erosion Protection: Overview of Alternatives," HS-RS-4.1

Section HY: Hydrology

Davis, J. and Waltoq, R. (1997). "Wetlands Dynamic Water Budget Model," HY-CP-5.2

Suhaydz, J. N. and Davis, J. (1997). "Program for Comparison of Wave Theories for Waves Over Cohesive Sediments," HY-CP-5.3

Godshalk, G. L. (1993). "Synthesis of Literature on the Use of Water-Stained Leaves in the Delineation of Wetlands," HY-DE-2.1

Warne, A. G. and Woodward, D. E. (1998). "Methods to Determine the Hydrology of Potential Wetland Sites," HY-DE-4.1

Godshalk, G. L. and Kleiss, B. A. (1993). "Literature Review on the Use of Water-Stained Leaves in the Delineation of Wetlands," HY-DE-6.1

Williams, G. (1993). "Wetland Surface Water Processes," HY-EV-2.1

Williams, G. (1993). "Wetland Groundwater Processes," HY-EV-2.2

Pohll, G., and Tracy, J. (2000). "Numerical Assessment of Hydrologic Functions in Prairie Potholes," HY-EV-2.3

Richards, D. R. (1993). "FastTABS Software for Evaluation of Wetlands Hydrodynamics," HY-EV-5.1

Long, K. S. (1994). "Harmonic Analysis Can Assess Hydrologic Cumulative Impacts," HY-IA-2.1

Long, K. S. (1994). "Time Scale Analysis Can Assess Hydrologic Cumulative Impacts," HY-IA-2.2

Davis, J. and Walton, R. (1997). "Future Needs in Wetland Hydrology and Hydraulics," HY-IA-2.3

Sprecher, S. W. (1993). "Installing Monitoring Wells/Piezometers in Wetlands," HY-IA-3.1

Richards, D. R. (1993). "GeoSHED Software for Wetlands Drainage Analysis," HY-IA-5.1

Downer, C. W. (1993). "Hydrology and Hydraulic Design Criteria for the Creation and Restoration of Wetlands," HY-RS-3.1

Section SD: Sedimentation

Hall, B. R. (1994). "Surface Water Sedimentation Processes in Wetlands," SD-CP-2.1

Hall, B. R. (1994). "Effects of Vegetation on Hydraulic Roughness and Sedimentation in Wetlands," SD-CP-2.2

Hall, B. R. (1994). "Predictive Techniques: Wetland Sedimentation Due to Surface Water Flow," SD-CP-2.3

Kleiss, B.A. (1993). "Methods for Measuring Sedimentation Rates in Bottomland Hardwood (BLH) Wetlands," SD-CP-4.1

Downer, C. W. (1993). "Collection of Undisturbed Bulk Wetland Sediment Samples," SD-EV-4.1

Section SG: Soils/Geology

Sprecher, S. (1999). "Using the NRCS Hydric Soil Indicators with Soils with Thick A Horizons," SG-DE-4.1

Leach, R. (1994). "Engineering Description of Wetland Soils," SG-RS-1.1

Leach, R. (1994). "Engineering Properties of Wetland Soils," SG-RS-1.2

Leach, R. S. and Spigolon, S. J. (1993). "Soils Handling Techniques and Equipment for Wetlands Restoration and Establishment," SG-RS-3.1

Section VN: Vegetation

Taylor, W. D. and Kleiss, B. A. (1992). "Measuring Periphyton Growth in a Bottomland Hardwood (BLH) Wetland," VN-CP-4.1

Lichvar, R.L., Winfield, L.E., and Spencer, W. (1994). "Response to Flooding for Wetland Indicator PIants," VN-DL-1.1

Humphrey, M., Kleiss, B. A., and Williams, H. M. (1993). "Container Oak Seedlings for 7 Bottomland Hardwood (BLH) Restoration," VN-EM-1.1

Winfield, L. and Davis, M. M. (1993). "Selection and Acquisition of Wetland Plant Species for Wetland Management Projects," VN-EM-2.1

Allen, H. H. (1992). "Design and Construction Requirements for Establishing Herbaceous Wetland Vegetation," VN-EM-3.1

Allen, H. H. (1993). "Basic Considerations for Vegetative Design of Wetlands," VN-EM-3.2

Davis, M. M. (1993). "Baseline Site Assessments for Wetland Vegetation Establishment," VN-EV-2.1

Shafer, D. (1999). "Design and Construction of Docks to Minimize Seagrass Impacts," VN-RS-3.1

Lewis, R.R., and Streever, B. (2000). "Restoration of Mangrove Habitat," VN-RS-3.2

Williams, H. M. and Kleiss, B. A. (1997). "Species Match Ensures Conversion of Wet Agricultural Fields to Bottom[and Hardwood (BLH) Wetlands," VN-RS-4.1

Davis, M. M., and J. F. Shearer. (1999). "Mycorrhizae in Bottomland Hardwood (BLH) Wetland Forests," VN-RS-4.2

Davis, M. M., and J. F. Shearer. (1999). "Use of Ectomycorrhizae (EM) in Restoration of Bottomland Hardwood (BLH) Wetland Forests," VN-RS-4.3

Section WG: Wetlands -- General

Henderson, J. E. (1994). "Procedures For Evaluating Wetlands Non-Market Values and Functions," WG-EV-2.1

Smith, R. D. (1994). "Methods for Evaluating Wetland Functions," WG-EV-2.2

Wakeley, J. S. (1999). "Case Study: Application of the HGM Western Kentucky Low-Gradient Riverine Guidebook to Monitoring of Wetland Development," WG-EV-2.3

Lazor, R. L. (1993). "Wetlands Mitigation Evaluation: A Bibliography," WG-EV-6.1

Palermo, M. R. (1992). "Wetlands Engineering: Design Sequence for Wetlands Restoration and Establishment," WG-RS-3.1

Davis, J. E., and Streever, B. (1999). "Geotextile Tube Structures: Example Contract Specifications," WG-RS-3.2

Streever, B. (1999). "Examples of Performance Standards for Wetland Creation and Restoration in Section 404 Permits and an Approach to Developing Performance Standards," WG-RS-3.3

Schneider, C. B., Streever, W., and Medina, R. (2000). "Salt Marsh Planting: Example Contract Specifications," WG-RS-3.4

Craft, M. and D. Shafer. (2002). "Bottomland Hardwood Planting: Example Contract Specifications," WG-RS-3.5

Letter, J. V., Jr. (1997). "Wetland Engineering in Coastal Louisiana: Mississippi River Delta Splays," WG-RS-7.1

Letter, J. V., Jr.Nail, G. H. (1997). "Wetland Engineering in Coastal Loukiana: Naomi Siphon," WG-RS-7.2

Graves, M.R. (1994). "Remotely Sensed Data: Information for Monitoring Dynamic Wetland Systems," WG-SW-2.1

Berry, T. E. (1994). "Differential Global Positioning System Techniques For Surveying/Mapping within Forested Wetlands," WG-SW-2.2

Graves, M.R. (1994). "Hyperspectral Imagery: A New Tool For Wetlands Monitoring/Analyses," WG-SW-2.3

Warne, A. G. and Smith, L. M. (1997). "Framework for Wetland Systems Management: Earth Sciences Perspective," WG-SW-2.4

Allen, H. H. (1992). "Bioengineering Technique Used for Reservoir Shoreline Erosion Control in Germany," WG-SW-3.1

Kress, R. and Boume, S. (1997). "Wetland Environmental Database: Meeting the Challenge of Federal Geographic Data Acquisition and Access Requirements," WG-SW-5.1

Section WQ: Water Quality

Dortch, M. S. (1993). "Screening-Level Assessment of Water Quality Improvement from Wetlands," WQ-EV-2.1

Dortch, M. S. (1997). "Screening-Level Techniques for Estimating Pollutant Removal bv Wetlands," WQ-EV-5.1

Myers, T. E. (1994). "Design of Constructed Wetlands Systems for Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement," WQ-SW-3.1


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Updated July 2006
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